Living "The Amercian Dream". We've all heard it before. Some of us have dreamt it for ourselves. For Bernard Gantmacher, it would become his fate to take a large bite of the juicy sweetness.
His future turned out quite differently to what he perhaps first thought when he landed in The Big Apple in 1914. With next to no money, he enrolled at Columbia University and studied to become a pharmacist. In order for him to pay his way, he got a night time job in the garment district on the Lower East Side of town. He was put to work sewing collars onto shirts, which turned out he had a knack for! This became the catalyst for Gantmacher making his mark in the menswear world.
Many years later and Gant Rugger is still going strong! They retain the knack for creating beautifully tailored button ups (with great collars), comfortable fitting tees and some of the best outerwear out there. A few pieces to look out for in their current SS14 collection is the
Diamond Shine Reflective Jacket, the
Linen Crepes HOBD Shirt and the Canvas Shorts in Sky
Blue and
Apricot al available at Number Six!