So, with the opening of Number Six Hampstead looming, I took a little trip up to the winding streets of NW3 to check on how the shopfit was coming along.
All looking good inside and out the store. However, the only thing that I found ever so slightly bothersome was the re-newing of London's Dickensian, rapidly deteriorating Victorian waterworks is slightly affecting the streets directly outside of our soon to be, new store (that is our humble little shop there, painted in a rather fetching Farrow And Ball Dark Lead) .
Not to worry though, these things can turn out to be a blessing in disguise (fingers crossed) and we are all excited as young children on Xmas eve at the prospect of opening a new Number Six. Launch date is 2nd September so if you are over that way around then, do drop by and say hello.
Number Six
83 Heath Street